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Case study
Publication date: 17 October 2012

Javier Jorge O. Silva, Fernando Zerboni and Maricruz Prado

The case focuses on brief elaboration, importance, objectives and components. While there are many ways to elaborate a brief, the overriding goal is to outline the most relevant…


Subject area

The case focuses on brief elaboration, importance, objectives and components. While there are many ways to elaborate a brief, the overriding goal is to outline the most relevant guidelines for campaign design, and the decisions required to launch an advertising campaign.

Study level/applicability

This case may be used for the first marketing course in MBA curricula, as well as in executive education programs addressing communications and advertising strategy issues.

Case overview

On a cold July afternoon in 2005, Matías Ruiz faced a difficult challenge. After months of long presentations and detailed discussions, the budget for a new advertising campaign had been finally approved. Ever since its arrival in Argentina, the company had concentrated all its efforts on positioning its corporate brand. Now with a firm standing in the domestic market, the time had come to advertise Lubrax, Petrobras' lubricant brand. Bearing in mind that the goal was to build a unique and independent brand identity for Lubrax while preserving its links to Petrobras, Ruiz's team, along with Diálogo Publicidad, a local advertising agency, had prepared three TV advertisements. Ruiz had to choose the most suitable campaign with an approved budget of US$ 3 million – 40 percent below the sum he had hoped to raise. At least one of those ads had to be launched in late October 2005, in time for the category's seasonal consumer sales peak. To do that, Ruiz needed to make a decision and to present a complete proposal to Lubrax's Marketing Director. This case study describes the questions confronting Ruiz at that time – Which ad should we pick? What brand image do we want for Lubrax? What is it that we wish to communicate? What is our goal? What segment are we addressing?

Expected learning outcomes

The case provides an insight into the use of advertising campaigns as a marketing tool, describing the company's competition, consumers, distribution channels and organizational hurdles. As a result, it may be used to help students: understand communications complexities, delving into each step in the process and taking stock of relevant decisions involved; learn about the research studies and data analyses required to build a communications plan that fits in with a company's strategy; manage a specific marketing budget; gain experience on advertising campaign development and subsequent evaluation; and survey the mix of marketing drivers needed to boost business sustainability. It will enable students to realize both the significance of thorough brief preparation to pursue a company's strategic goals and the importance of ensuring the ad chosen matches that brief.

Supplementary materials

Teaching notes are available; please contact your librarian for access.


Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, vol. 2 no. 8
Type: Case Study
ISSN: 2045-0621


Case study
Publication date: 13 August 2012

Javier Jorge O. Silva, Fernando Zerboni, Maricruz Prado and Natalia Moscardi

This case illustrates the differences between customers and the occasions when conditions change and buyer-seller relationships fail. The key issue is to find ways to anticipate…


Subject area

This case illustrates the differences between customers and the occasions when conditions change and buyer-seller relationships fail. The key issue is to find ways to anticipate this problem with other clients.

Study level/applicability

It may be used in second-year courses of MBA marketing programs as well as in specific executive education programs dealing with key account management (KAM) systems, business strategy, industrial marketing and/or sales management courses. This case can also be used at undergraduate programs and courses dealing with sales, sales management, international business, and organizational behavior.

Case overview

In 2003, after Carlos Etcheverry joined San Antonio (SA) as Latin American Region Vice President, the company implanted a KAM System. SA's relationships with its two key clients, Vintage and Chevron, seemed to progress nicely until mid 2004, when Chevron's newly hired Purchasing Manager decided to change the company's commercial structure, rendering its purchasing process more bureaucratic and extremely competitive. In March 2005, Etcheverry was to meet Chevron's purchasing manager, since Chevron had decided to reassign a service contract through a new invitation to bid, leaving San Antonio out. The case puts forth the questions faced by Etcheverry at the time of the meeting: How had San Antonio come to jeopardize a key account? Would SA's organization need a change? Was this the only solution available? What other factors should be considered?

Expected learning outcomes

This case may help students to: understand the complexity of key account management (KAM) system implementation, sales force concepts and business-to-business relationships; and analyze the difficulties faced by companies upon implementing a change in their sales strategies and the effects of this change on the sales force, corporate culture and the organization as a whole management system.

Supplementary materials

Teaching notes and a Technical note are available; also access to audio visual support with an interview to Carlos Etcheverry.

Case study
Publication date: 13 December 2019

Javier Jorge O. Silva, Fernando Zerboni, Maricruz Prado and Natalia Moscardi

Nota técnica: “Una mirada cercana a la gestión de cuentas clave en las empresas actuales”, preparada por los profesores Javier Silva, Fernando Zerboni, Martín Zemborain y la…


Supplementary materials

Nota técnica: “Una mirada cercana a la gestión de cuentas clave en las empresas actuales”, preparada por los profesores Javier Silva, Fernando Zerboni, Martín Zemborain y la asistente de investigación Maricruz Prado, IAE Business School, Universidad Austral, septiembre de 2007. Apoyo audiovisual con la entrevista a Carlos Etcheverry.

Learning outcomes

Este caso puede resultar útil para: Entender la complejidad de la implementación de un sistema de gestión de cuentas clave (KAM), entender los conceptos de fuerza de ventas y las relaciones entre empresas. Analizar las dificultades que enfrentan las empresas al implementar un cambio en sus estrategias de venta y los efectos de este cambio en: la fuerza de ventas, la cultura corporativa, la organización en general, los sistemas administrativos.

Case overview/synopsis

En 2003, después de que Carlos Etcheverry se unió a San Antonio (SA) como vicepresidente regional para Latinoamérica, la compañía implementó un sistema KAM. Las relaciones de SA con sus dos clientes clave, Vintage y Chevron, parecían estar progresando bien hasta mediados de 2004, cuando el nuevo gerente de compras de Chevron decidió cambiar la estructura comercial de la compañía, volviendo su proceso de compras más burocrático y extremadamente competitivo. En marzo de 2005, Etcheverry debía reunirse con el gerente de compras de Chevron, puesto que dicha empresa había decidido reasignar un contrato de servicios mediante una licitación, dejando a San Antonio por fuera. El caso plantea las preguntas que Etcheverry enfrentó en el momento de la reunión: ¿Cómo había llegado San Antonio a poner en riesgo una cuenta clave? ¿Necesitaría un cambio la organización de SA? ¿Esta era la única solución disponible? ¿Qué otros factores había que considerar? Estas preguntas buscan llevar a los estudiantes a considerar cómo se podrían evitar o anticipar estos problemas, y a analizar diferentes tipos de sistemas KAM.

Complexity academic level

Se puede usar para cursos de segundo año de programas de mercadeo de MBA, así como en programas específicos de educación ejecutiva que traten temas de sistemas de gestión de cuentas clave (KAM), estrategias de negocios, mercadeo industrial y/o cursos de gestión de ventas. Este caso también se puede usar a nivel de pregrado y en cursos sobre ventas, gestión de ventas, negocios internacionales y conducta organizacional.

Subject code

CSS 8: Marketing


Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, vol. 9 no. 4
Type: Case Study
ISSN: 2045-0621


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